Burdine & Brown

Subrogation-A Thorny Legal Issue with An Easy Resolution

This legal term, subrogation, means that a workers’ compensation insurance company who pays out money benefits to an injured worker may request some of that money from the injured worker if the worker has filed a separate negligence claim against another company/insurance company and collects damages in that separate claim.
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Burdine & Brown

Do Unions Help the Worker?

The Journal- Constitution reported on July 21, 2022, that “Union activity in Metro Atlanta is increasing.” This very liberal publication tried to give the impression that there is a total wave of increasing union activity in Metro Atlanta.
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Burdine & Brown

Will Epileptic Seizures Prevent Liability When the Person’s Seizure Causes a Traffic Accident and Damages to Another Person?

In a recent Case presented to the Court of Appeals, Screven County v. Sandlin, decided May 4, 2022, by the Georgia Court of Appeals, the case involved an inmate who was riding in the County’s own pick up truck. The inmate was the passenger in the back seat and the truck veered off the road causing the inmate’s seat belt to break.
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Burdine & Brown

Do I Qualify for SSDIB?

I ask everyone who comes to me seeking SSDIB who has less than a continuous 5-10 years of employment history to visit SS.GOV-my account.
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Burdine & Brown

Eligibility for Social Security Disability

People always want to know what their chances of prevailing are after filing for a SSDIB claim. There are a few things that the SS Administration will look at that are extremely important.
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Burdine & Brown

What Is a Drug Formulary?

Many legislatures in the US have been influenced by the companies who handle workers’ compensation cases who want to establish a “Drug Formulary”. What this means is that the insurance companies seek to have a set regimen for every injured person that is in chronic pain and is need of chronic pain management.
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