Burdine & Brown

Accident Scenes and Police Reports

Why do police take general reports? The most brutal answer is because no one will remember the details in two days, much less two years and they will argue it constantly: but it is also because society needs a third party who should be an impartial fact evaluator.
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Burdine & Brown

2018 GTLA Lawyer of The Day Program

Each year, the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association Lobbying Team gives its members the opportunity to join them for a day under the Gold Dome as part of the GTLA Lawyer of the Day Program.
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Burdine & Brown

Sex Scandals and Moral Integrity

Are we tired yet of all the allegations of sexual misconduct by our leaders? The avalanche will be coming soon. The past few months have been dominated by an endless parade of revelations about sexual misconduct of powerful men.
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Burdine & Brown

Measuring Disability

One of the most difficult things to do is to measure someone's degree of disability or impairment. There is a measurable test that has developed over the last 10 years in an effort to accomplish this objective. The test is called a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE).
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Burdine & Brown

New Social Security Rules

In Social Security Claims that are presented to a Judge at Level III (where I spend most of the time when working this type of case) there has been a troubling development with regard to new Social Security Rules. These folks just make up their own rules and we have to follow them.
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Burdine & Brown


Fire fighters, security personnel and policemen all are quite susceptible to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Their jobs place them within harm's way every day.
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