Burdine & Brown

Assesses Attorney Fees

Assessed attorney fees in litigated workers’ compensation cases are extremely hard to obtain. A recent article in The Verdict, a Georgia Trial Lawyer magazine, addressed this issue
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Burdine & Brown

Who Is Responsible For The Accident?

In a recent automobile settlement, attorneys for the three people who died in an automobile crash sued the employer of the negligent driver who caused the accident.
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Burdine & Brown

Lawyer's Fees

I just read a most interesting article that was on the front page of the Fulton County Daily Report dated August 22, 2022.
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Burdine & Brown

What is Unlawful Solicitation?

I am referring here to soliciting future clients. Many of us call it “feeding the pipeline.” Every business needs new clients at a rate that would ensure their continuing profitability.
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Burdine & Brown

Psychological Injuries: Are They Recognized in Georgia as A Compensable Workers’ Compensation Claim?

You are a worker in the water works department of your county.  A major flood occurs in your city. Your supervisor sent you and another worker out in a boat to rescue those in harm’s way. Your supervisor radios you to go to the local cemetery where much to your horror you are told 18 caskets have “escaped” their graves and are floating down the river.
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Burdine & Brown


Have you ever wondered whether a settlement mediation is better than a jury trial of your case in your automobile accident matter? How about in your workers’ compensation claim…does a settlement mediation actually help to get the injured person more money?
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Burdine & Brown

Subrogation-A Thorny Legal Issue with An Easy Resolution

This legal term, subrogation, means that a workers’ compensation insurance company who pays out money benefits to an injured worker may request some of that money from the injured worker if the worker has filed a separate negligence claim against another company/insurance company and collects damages in that separate claim.
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Burdine & Brown

Do Unions Help the Worker?

The Journal- Constitution reported on July 21, 2022, that “Union activity in Metro Atlanta is increasing.” This very liberal publication tried to give the impression that there is a total wave of increasing union activity in Metro Atlanta.
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